Thursday, July 8, 2010

Why Did I Eat after 4pm for 6pm Class??

You know you've done it. You have evening class. You didn't eat enough lunch. And by 4pm you're starving. What do you do??

You know if you eat, your stomach will feel too full for class. You'll be burping every time you take a sip of water. You will feel fat and not be able to breathe as you do the forward bend in half moon.

But if you don't eat, you feel like you'll starve and not be able to make it through class.

Darn me for not pre-planning very well. Yes, I was the one feeling all of those things in the 6pm class for eating after 4pm. I promise, I'll learn... I always do. Until I'm starving again!

At least I made it to class. A feeling-too-full practice is better than no practice!

What's your trick for making sure you don't succumb to needing to eat too close to classtime?

Monday, July 5, 2010

I'm back with a 3 Month Pass!

My hiatus took a little while. I actually did get pregnant & held off on intense exercise... and then I miscarried. It was early on but was still heart-wrenching. Second time for me.

So, it's taken me a little while to recover. But as always, I am so grateful to have my bik.ram yoga to carry me through. And carry me through it has.

I joined up a few weeks ago with a 3 month unlimited pass and am back to going about 4x/week.

I love the sign outside our studio:
Change your body. Change your life.

It's so true for me. I put on a few pounds with the fertility treatments and non-exercise, and I know my body can get back to where it was... and better. And the spiritual/mental aspects of it helps me recover from traumatic incidents like the one I just endured.

I also thought this was interesting from our studio's page:
Camel pose: Is it your nemesis, your best friend or your break time?

It used to be my nemesis... and my break time. But now, camel pose, bring it on. I am ready for you!